New Singles: Benedikt, Tuvaband, Velvet Vision, Brother.

New singles: a beautiful Benedikt folk sinlge, a dreamy Tuvaband song, an electro pop Velvet Vision debut, and a dreamy Brother. single.
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Benedikt – Purple and Green

Benedikt released a new single today called Purple and Green. This is a song the nine-piece Norwegian band has worked through for several years before being satisfied with a recording of it. The instrumentation on this single is beautiful, as we’ve come to expect from Benedikt. A music video is coming out soon.

The single is about Hans Olav Settem‘s time in a strict religious boarding school, “where physical intimacy was still taboo,” while, “being heavily in love and not knowing how to act on it.” This is the third single from their forthcoming sophomore EP, and we can’t wait for it to be released.

Several months ago we talked with Hans about My Killer, a single he wrote with Tuvaband.

Tuvaband – Post Isolation

Tuvaband is another artist from Norway we’ve come to love. Tuva Hellum Marschhäuser writes mesmerizing dream pop songs, and Post Isolation is no exception. She released this single this week, certain to add to the 35 million plays she has on Spotify. This is the second single she released this year; Growing Pains came out in January. And in December she teamed up with Benedikt for the folk influenced single My Killer (as mentioned above).

I’ve been stuck to a basin full of worst case scenarios
I see signs of warnings, everything is precarious
The ceiling could fall down
And I’ll keep saying that I don’t mind

Tuvaband – Post Isolation (BandCamp)

Velvet Vision – Springtime Buzz

Velvet Vision – Springtime Buzz (YouTube)

Betty Taylor is a new artist releasing music under the moniker of Velvet Vision. Hailing from Santa Fe, New Mexico, she began working on this project during pandemic. This week she released her debut single, Springtime Buzz, which she tracked in her bedroom studio. Her sound is a fun mix of downtempo dream pop and analogue electro pop tones, with lush vocal harmonies.

Explaining the song, Betty shares that Springtime Buzz is about the “irrational nature of emotions… the kind of emotions that can make you sing ‘you’re just another boy who made me cry’ and ‘there was something in your eyes” in the same line.'”

Velvet Vision is not Betty’s first foray in music. Before relocating to Santa Fe, she fronted the dreamy Delilah Fang on guitar and vocals while living in Minneapolis. Et is an experimental orchestral duo in which she currently plays violin with keyboardist Theo Krantz.

Velvet Vision’s debut EP, Springtime Buzz, is coming out March 25; expect to hear more about this project from Puddlegum. Theo Krantz mixed and mastered the EP. Be sure to watch the music video, created by the talented illustrator Helen Teague.

Brother – EZ
Brother. – EZ (SoundCloud)

Indie pop band Brother. released a real dreamy single called EZ. This song emphasizes layers of relaxed synth tones with a laid back beat and gentle additions of guitar. Vocals are smooth and whispery, and the production of this song is superb.

Chuck Emery of Brother. vulnerably shares, “I felt like my whole world was ending. All of our plans for touring, releases and our goals were halted. I had worked so hard on setting it all up and all of it was canceled. The uncertainty of what the future held threw me into a deep depression with intense anxiety and panic attacks. After months of struggle, I realized the best thing for me was to slow down and take it easy.”

This is a song that many of us can relate with.

Brother. – Honey (YouTube)

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Kevin Flick
Kevin Flick

Kevin Flick founded Puddlegum in 1997 and has been engaging in music journalism off and on since. He's also a recording/mixing engineer and loves to help bands work through the creative process. He has coproduced and mixed for artists such as Saeyers, Midi Memory, and Cathedral Bells.

Rumors are that he's a Brighton Hove & Albion FC fan. He's also obsessed with coffee. Kevin resides in the college community of Bloomington, Indiana, where he studied at Indiana University.

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