Puddlegum Mixtape 003 begins in Norway and Sweden, and continues with nearly two hours of artists to explore. Updated weekly, available on Spotify and Apple Music.
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New music Friday brings two singles from CASTLEBEAT and Tide Rider, and new LPs from Eagle Eyed Tiger and Ruby Haunt.
Read MoreNew Music: CASTLEBEAT, Tide Rider, Eagle Eyed Tiger, Ruby Haunt
Ruby Haunt released 'Roman candle', the second single from their forthcoming 'Watching the Grass Grow'. They also released a music video.
Read MoreRuby Haunt – ‘Roman candle’ single and video
Puddlegum Mixtape: Tape Thirteen is an ambitious 35 tracks filling 120 minutes of music. The mixtape flows in genre influences and moods.
Read MorePuddlegum Mixtape: Tape Thirteen
Ruby Haunt releases the single/video Reverse Creek, the first single for their forthcoming Snow Angel / Reverse Creek EP.
Read MoreRuby Haunt releases Reverse Creek (Single and Video)
Starting 2021 right with ew music from Cathedral Bells, Molly Burch + Wild Nothing, Hovvdy, and Aero Flynn.
Read MoreNew Music: Cathedral Bells, Molly Burch, Hovvdy, Aero Flynn
Ruby Haunt's The Middle of Nowhere was one of my favorite albums in 2019. It took me to an inner place, as though I were on a long drive, gazing out the window at the changing landscape. So I was thrilled when they released Sunbelt, a nine-minute single, in March.
Read MoreMix Review: Ruby Haunt – Sunbelt
Puddlegum Mixtape: Tape Two is an eclectic mix of dreampop, bedroom pop, shoegaze, chillwave, and a little folk and twang.
Read MorePuddlegum Mixtape: tape two
Puddlegum Mixtape: Tape One - If this were 1990, I would make you a mixtape.
Read MorePuddlegum Mixtape: tape one