New music Friday brings two singles from CASTLEBEAT and Tide Rider, and new LPs from Eagle Eyed Tiger and Ruby Haunt.
Read MoreNew Music: CASTLEBEAT, Tide Rider, Eagle Eyed Tiger, Ruby Haunt
Puddlegum Mixtape: Tape Thirteen is an ambitious 35 tracks filling 120 minutes of music. The mixtape flows in genre influences and moods.
Read MorePuddlegum Mixtape: Tape Thirteen
Tide Rider releases his fourth bedroom surf pop single, 'Golden Eyes'. The solo project of DeBoe Truss, he records everything in Tide Rider.
Read MoreTide Rider releases ‘Golden Eyes’ (single)
Puddlegum Mixtape: ten ten will take your winter blues away. 80 minutes of dream pop, bedroom pop, etc we're confident you'll dig.
Read MorePuddlegum Mixtape: tape ten
Adrian Prath has a music video for Vancouver Dreaming, Tide Rider released Santa Barbara Heartbreak single, and Honeywhip has a single called Vacation, and a new one out 12/3/20.
Read MoreNew Music from Adrian Prath, Tide Rider, Honeywhip
Puddlegum talks with DeBoe Truss of Tide Rider about his debut single, Minus Touch, and music production.
Read MoreConversation with Tide Rider About his Debut Single Minus Touch
This tape will pull you in many directions.
Read MorePuddlegum Mixtape: tape three