Puddlegum Mixtape: tape three

This tape will pull you in many directions.
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Puddlegum Mixtape: tape three

This tape will pull you in several directions.

Today, May 1st, Bandcamp is waiving their revenue fees so that artists receive 100% of digital sales. Many record labels are joining them in this as well. Just as we are all heavily impacted by COVID-19, artists are unable to perform. I watched band after band release music as the pandemic was spreading (release dates set months in advance), and they were forced to cancel tours… their livelihood and source of income.

For this mixtape, I linked the artist names to their Bandcamp pages (or to an alternative site if they aren’t on Bandcamp).

Please consider supporting artists today on Bandcamp by buying their music. Be generous.

(This playlist is also available on YouTube, and SoundCloud. Spotify‘s playlist is updated every week.)

Tide RiderMinus Touch
MUNYABoca Chica
Video AgeShadow On The Wall
Vern MatzVagabond
Day WaveCrush
Maddie JayShakes
Yumi ZoumaLonely After

Golden DazeBlue Bell
HoopsReflections After Jane
HovvdyKeep It Up
Soccer MommyCircle the Drain
Toro y MoiNew House
Washed OutToo Late
The Radio Dept.You Fear the Wrong Thing Baby
Faye WebsterIn A Good Way

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Kevin Flick
Kevin Flick

Kevin Flick founded Puddlegum in 1997 and has been engaging in music journalism off and on since. He's also a recording/mixing engineer and loves to help bands work through the creative process. He has coproduced and mixed for artists such as Saeyers, Midi Memory, and Cathedral Bells.

Rumors are that he's a Brighton Hove & Albion FC fan. He's also obsessed with coffee. Kevin resides in the college community of Bloomington, Indiana, where he studied at Indiana University.

Articles: 310

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